
IIT Institute of Design- Chicago, IL

Ph.D. in Design (2023)

Master of Design (2013)

University of Los Andes - Bogotá, Colombia.

Bachelor of Industrial Design (2008) 



Mix methods, ethnographic studies, data modeling, stimulus for research, IRB protocol design, efficacy and usability testing, cultural probes.


Iterative concept generation, alternative prototyping methods, wireframing, information architecture design, early low-fidelity provocations.


Applied behavior change theories, value-based models, workshop planning and facilitation, design thinking models and frameworks, portfolio planning, concept development and UX metrics standardization.

Design Awards

Fast Company - World Changing Ideas 2020 Honorable mention, transportation category for UMA project (autonomous car for 2030)

Core 77 Design Awards 2015 winner Service Design Student Category for the project “Bridging the communication gap: A new touchpoint for pediatric asthma education in Emergency Departments”

International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 08 Winner Bronze Medal Research Category. MEDIVENT - Ventilatory Variables Measurement System

Colciencias-Laspau Ph.D. Scholarship Awarded by the Colombian Science, Technology, and Innovation Program.


“Research Mix Methods for Persuasive Technologies, Design provocations for long term behavior change“

Research Poster in adjunct conference proceedings in Persuasive 2018 . Authors:  Rivera, Jaime. MacTavish, Tom. Toronto, Canada, 2018

“Research through provocation: a structured prototyping tool using interaction attributes of time, space and information”

The Design Journal, 20 (sup1), S3996–S4008. Authors: Rivera, J., & MacTavish, 2017

“User Experience Design for Contextually Persuasive Systems”

In Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (p. 136). Authors: Mactavish, T., Rivera, J., & Wynia, R. Salzburg, Austria: Salzburg : Center for Human Computer Interaction, Department of Computer Science, University of Salzburg. 2016

“Beyond the Science of Design: 7 Criteria for “Umbrella” Design Theories”

11th European Academy of Design Conference April 22-24th. Authors: Ruecker, Stan. Carnos, Celso. Hodges, Peter. Rivera, Jaime. Faller, Roberto. Geppert, Amanda. Paris, France. 2015

“Engaging stakeholders to design a comparative effectiveness trial in children with uncontrolled asthma”

 Journal of Comparative effectiveness research.  ISSN 2042-6313  21 December 2015 Authors: Multiple authors (22) . United States. 2015

“Developing trust through interfaces of cooperative persuasion”

Revista Iconofacto. Volume 11, Number 16. Pages 7-21. Authors: Salamanca, Juan. Rivera, Jaime. Gonzalez, Ospina. Colombia. ISSN: 1697–8293. 2015

“Visual Workflows for Design Project Knowledge Management” 

Design and Emotion 2014, 9th international conference, Authors: RIvera, Jaime. Abouhazim, Yassine. Mattis, Laura. Ruecker, Stan. Wang, Patricia. Bogota, Colombia. October 2014

“Structured Controlled Reflexivity Prototyping as a Way to Improve the Design of Persuasive Technologies” 

Persuasive Technology. 9th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2014, Padua, Italy, May 21-23. Adjunct Proceedings. Padova: ISBN: 978 88 6787 229 9”. 2014

“Skywords: an Engagement Machine at Chicago City Hall”

Human Computer Interaction Conference. CHI’13 Changing Perspectives . ISBN. 978-1-4503-1899-0/13/04. Authors: L. Braun, J. Rivera, K. Hindi, L.Lin, J. Mello, K. Patel, A. Mathew. Paris, France. 2013.

“Research for a Design Discipline, different approaches about the practice and reflection in design”

Fourth International Congress in Design Research. Diseño +. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 978-958-8357-12-6 Authors: Zapata, Freddy; Gonzalez, Maria; Rivera, Jaime. Cali. Colombia. 2010.

“Augmentative and alternative technology”

Include 2007: Designing with people. International conference in inclusive design. Royal College of Arts. London, 1-4 April. ISBN: 1-905000-34-0. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime; Macías, Hugo. London, UK. 2007.


“MEDIVENT Biodesign: Innovation to develop medical devices”

Cumulus 38° South. Hemispheric shifts across learning teaching and research. ISBN: 978-1-921426-52-0. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto; Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Melbourne, Australia 2009.

“Quality standards for research groups i n Design. Tools for measuring and developing”

Second National Congress in Design Research. Diseño + Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro; Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Cali, Colombia. 2006.

”Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”

 In: Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology, 2004. P. 197-202. ISSN:0963-5432. Authors:  Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir.  Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge, UK. 2004. 

“Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”

 III Congress IBERDISCAP 2004. Authors:  Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir.  Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge. Costa Rica, 2004.

”Augmentative and Alternative Technology”

¿What is design today? First National Congress in Design Research. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 9589279783. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Cali, Colombia. 2004.

“Quality standards for research groups in Design. Tools for measuring and developing”

Second National Congress in Design Research. Diseño + Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 958-9279-86-4. Authors: Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro; Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Cali, Colombia. 2006.

”Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”

 In: Second Cambridge workshop on universal access and assistive technology, 2004. P. 197-202. ISSN:0963-5432. Authors:  Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir.  Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge, UK. 2004. 

“Supporting technology for augmentative and alternative communication”

III Congress IBERDISCAP 2004. Authors:  Bohórquez Reyes, Juan Carlos. De Salazar, Nahir.  Pinilla Gamboa, Mario Alberto. Álvaro Varela, , González Rico, Mónica Paola. Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto. Rodríguez , González, Yony. Cambridge. Costa Rica, 2004.

”Augmentative and Alternative Technology”

What is design today? First National Congress in Design Research. Universidad ICESI. ISBN: 9589279783. Authors: Macías Rey, Hugo Alberto, Rivera Gómez, Jaime Alejandro. Cali, Colombia. 2004.

“Support Technologies for augmentative and alternative Technologies” 

IX Iberchip IEEE, ISBN: 958-33-5899-1 Authors: Jaime Rivera, Alvaro Varela, Juan Carlos Bohórquez, Nahir de Salazar, Mario Pinilla, Antonio García, Mónica Gonzales, Hugo Macías. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia 2004.